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Clinic Laser Procedures

Lichen Sclerosis: Laser resurfacing chronically thickened inflamed perineal skin surface is evaporated with CO2 Laser. ASA consequence new growth is stimulated resulting in new lining which is healthier, younger skin surface, with improved vasculature and sensitivity. This technique is used in plastic surgery for facial and other skin resurfacing areas. Laser resurfacing chronically thickened inflamed perineal skin surface is evaporated with CO2 Laser. ASA consequence new growth is stimulated resulting in new lining which is healthier, younger skin surface, with improved vasculature and sensitivity. This technique is used in plastic surgery for facial and other skin resurfacing areas.

Labiaplasty: Laser removal of redundant labia minora which interferes with hygiene, intercourse and can contribute to chronic inflammation and infection. Dr. Karon has a vast experience of using lasers for more than 35 years.

Femilift: Laser resurfacing of “thick calloused” vaginal mucosa. Superficial layer is evaporated with CO2 laser which stimulates regrowth of new pinker vaginal mucosa which has improved sensitivity and better vascularity for Mild Stress Urinary Incontinence Due to urethral hypermobility and loss of tissue support. Around bladder neck area. CO2 laser has properties that stimulate tissue growth with collagen and connective tissue refilling the vesico-urethral angle.

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